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Mother's Day Gift Guide 2023

February 05, 2023

Mother's Day Gift Guide 2023

Mother's day is one of many holidays that come around every year which you desperately want to nail.

We totally get that too - making sure that your mother, stepmother, or mother-in-law gets the ideal gift for mother's day can be tricky but is always important.

That's why we've put together this mothers day gift guide to make sure that you'll be able to come up with the ultimate mother's day gifts for everyone this year.

Without further ado, let's get walking down the track of creating the perfect gift for your recipient.

Our Best selling Mother's Day Gifts

We sell a range of hampers and boxes throughout the year, though there are some that we designed with mother's day in mind. Our range of mothers day hampers gives you a real array of wonderful gifts.

These options are a great choice if you're looking for a complex, comprehensive gift that is easy to execute and guaranteed to succeed.

Treat Yourself Gift Box

This wonderful gift box is packed with a range of specialist products designed to ensure that your loved ones can feel as treated as possible.

If you've got a mother that might prefer to be in control of the exact time and place of that treat, then a treat-yourself gift box can be a wonderful option.

The box has plenty of chocolate, along with a bottle of prosecco, a divinely scented candle, and some beautifully delicate tea.

These specific products were all chosen to evoke a certain idea in the mind of the recipient - together, they can make someone feel relaxed, appreciated, and soothed in a totally wonderful way.

Gin & Chocolate Gift Hamper

This hamper is a relatively self-explanatory one, and it's one that we came up with by thinking of any and all mothers that we know in real life - chocolate and gin make a wonderful combination, so having them side by side in a hamper makes for the perfect mother's day gift.

In this hamper, we've made sure to include a range of tonics, which is something that we're terribly proud of.

The tonics mean that each mother that gets one of these boxes will be able to make a simple cocktail straight away upon receiving the hamper, and will then be able to start sipping, no matter the time.

Jumbo Coffee & Tea Hamper

This tea and coffee hamper really exemplifies how incredible tea and coffee can be.

They're simple and ancient crops, but they're also ones that can be shifted and changed - made to be utterly divine by the time they get to your hands.

The coffee in this hamper is something that we took special care over - three jars of Little's coffee is sure to set the tone for a bright and flavorsome cup every morning.

Combined with the luxurious biscuits in the hamper, you also get everything you might need for a lovely afternoon pick-me-up!

Mother's Day Gifts for Over 65's

Sometimes, it can be hard to pick out a mother's day gift for a mother or grandmother that's over sixty-five.

Often, this means that people tend to go for simplistic things - consumables such as food or toiletries are commonly chosen.

While there's nothing wrong with that, there are some other options too that might be a little more in keeping with the aesthetic that you're going for.

Warm & Cosy Blankets

A warm and cozy blanket is such a simple gift, yet it's one that's utterly appreciated every single time it's received.

No one likes feeling chilly, and a delightful blanket is a great way to avoid that whenever it arises.


Mother's Day Hamper

If you'd like to get a little more intense and personalized with the blanket that you select, you could go to a local hobby shop and select some yarn, knitting needles, or a crochet hook.

Tutorials for the basic stitches are all available online, and with very thick yarn you'll be able to create one of the most unique mother's day gifts in no time at all!

For The Garden Lovers

When buying for someone of any age, it's worth considering what they might like to fill their time with.

This extends to older mothers, who might enjoy spending a little time in their garden, whether planting bulbs for the coming spring or pulling out weeds to better highlight their borders.

Specialists can help

If you're buying for a garden lover, we would always recommend going to a smaller, independent garden center near you.

Then, ask the cashier what they might like to receive as a gift from what they're selling.

This sounds a little absurd, but smaller garden centers generally prefer to hire people that have a love of gardening, since they'll be able to help customers more efficiently.

You can take advantage of this, and walk out with a gift that is not only perfect for the hobby that your mother follows but is guaranteed to be excellent by a verified garden-lover.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day Gift Ideas for Relaxing

Mothers often need a few minutes of me time here and there to catch their breath, decompress, and get back to themselves in a very real way.

To help them engage with this side of them, a great idea is to track down some excellent options for relaxation.

Scented Candles

Scented candles are a great option among mother's day gifts for relaxation. Whether they're scented like a traditionally chilled-out aroma, such as lavender, or whether they're a little more vibrant, like lemon or bubblegum, a little aromatherapy can do wonders.

Lighting a scented candle and sitting alone for a few minutes or an hour can allow a mother a few moments to restore order within their world.

Try to pick out a scent that you know they prefer, or one that you know they already use within their home.

That will greatly increase the chances of them actually using the candle, which is ideal, of course.

Bath Gift Sets

Women enjoying baths has become something of a punchline nowadays - it's common that you might see baths portrayed as some form of sanctuary spa.

To be honest, though, we get it!

Baths can really be that way, from the combination of simple and pleasant aromas to feeling restored by bright soaps and gels, baths are great!

Mother's day gifts can start and end with a perfect bath gift set if the mother in question would like that.

The best mother's day gifts revolve around the mother that you're buying for, so assemble a gift set with that in mind. If they have favorite products or scents - get those! If they have scents or products that they really hate (my mother loathes oily moisturizer) then avoid those, too.

Pamper Hampers

A pamper hamper is one of the best mother's day gifts that we can think of. The thing that sets it apart from a bath gift set is the necessity of the items that are included.

For example, a bath is something that you might tend to have a lot - once or twice a week. When was the last time that you could honestly say you pampered yourself, and really went all out on a luxurious experience to bring some calm and tranquility into your life?

That happens much less regularly.

Pampering is key

To be sure that you secure hamper ingredients that will totally pamper the mother you're buying for, aim for items that are a little ridiculous. For instance, does anyone really need crystals that fizz in the bath water? No - they're a pampering thing, rather than a cozy bath thing. Try an essential oil of relaxing lavender to help you sleep at night.

This principle can be applied to a wide variety of different toiletries and other odds and ends to make the best mother's day gifts - give it a go for a pamper hamper!

Totally Personalised Gift Ideas

If something can be personalized, then making it personalized is a great way to show that not only do you know the mother you're gifting the present to very well, but also that you were thinking of them very specifically.

For example, you could include their name, a personal joke that they might like, or even just a silly reminder to have a glass of wine every now and then. A light personal touch can make a world of difference.

Best Mother's Day Gifts

The best mother's day gift ideas will always be the ones that include the mother that you're buying for. If they have a particular hobby or fondness that you have bonded over with them, opt for a present in that vein. If there are a few things in the world that you know they would adore, opt for those things as a present - we're sure you won't disappoint if you bear your recipient in mind.

It's the thought that counts

That's what people mean when they say that the thought counts more than the gift. It's not, necessarily, that someone has thought to buy you a gift at all. Rather, it's that someone has put time and effort into considering what might be a good gift for you. Whether it is or not can be a little secondary to that initial goal, as odd as that might seem.

Here is a couple of general jumping-off points that we really like for mother's day gift ideas. It can be a little tricky to think something up if you're coming from totally out of the blue, so we've got a few general hints and tips for you here.

Mothers Day

Beauty Products

There is a world of different beauty products out there, and they can all be perfect gifts for the right person.

A safe present to get in the sphere of beauty products is to get your mother a refill of a certain product that she likes. For instance, their favorite perfume could be a great choice - it's normal enough that you can be sure she'll use it, while also being fancy enough that it makes for a gift she'll appreciate.

The gift, and the joy of using it

If you'd like to be a little more creative with your beauty products, an item that's fit to pamper a mother can be a great way to ensure that your mother essentially gets two gifts.

The reason you can think of it that way is that you can give the physical gift itself, whether that's bath bombs or a luxurious moisturizer, and then you're also giving the gift of the use of that item.

If you gift a cream or serum that has restorative properties, for example, then you'll be able to gift those properties, in a manner of speaking.

Jewellery Ideas

Some of the best mother's day gift ideas are ones that are just as pretty as the mother they're being given to. It's a great idea to pick out a few of their favorite pieces of jewelry and take a few photos.

Then, go to a jeweler, and share the photos with them. They'll be happy to direct you to a few similar items to the ones you've shared, and you'll be able to secure a great gift in no time at all.

Function over beauty

If your mother is a little more functionally inclined than aesthetically so, then perhaps you could consider getting her a watch, or something else that might have a lot of use to her. Some great examples of more functional jewelry tend to correspond with other interests that the mother might have.

Mother's Day Balloons

For instance, you can pick up rings and other pieces of jewelry that contain a small blade - the blade is designed to cut through yarn easily, making the life of a knitter a little easier.

Cashmere Bed Socks

Cashmere is a lot more than just a high-end, elegant material to have clothes and other items made from. There are a whole host of wonderful benefits that can make cashmere bed socks a great choice!

Perhaps the greatest thing about cashmere is the balance between breathability and warmth - this is the same for most natural fibers, as they're hollow and not too dense.

The hollowness of the fibers allows for heat retention, while the lack of density allows for air circulation. Hey, presto: warm feet that aren't on the sweaty side.

Beautiful patterns

Cashmere is also a traditional fiber that has been spun and woven for many, many centuries. To that end, it can be used to create intricate and beautiful patterns and arrangements of fibers in a bed sock, or in any other piece of clothing. Take a look around online, you'll surely find a wonderful item before long.

1st Mother's Day Gifts

When creating a mother's day gift for a first-time mother, there are a few more general dos and don't that we would all agree are only sensible. For example - nothing that might wake a sleeping baby, but definitely something that might help mum to get a good night's sleep.

The best gift we would recommend for a first mothers day is a gift that will help the mother to remember that day for years to come - something that captures the little one in great detail, whether a photo or an imprint of their foot and preserves it like a snapshot moment in time.

Mother and Child

Quick tips:

Create a relaxing gift box

If there's anything that a mother's day gift should certainly do, it relaxes the mother in question. That's what the gifts have been doing for years, now, so why upset that balance?

We would always recommend going for a relaxing gift, or gift box, over a different one. You can easily pick up hampers, cardboard boxes, and other receptacles from a number of places.

We would recommend picking one of those and then filling it with relaxing items that the mother will love, from their favorite biscuits to a little bottle of gin.

Think of a theme

Thinking of a theme can be a great way to easily concoct a wonderful mother's day gift. A great theme that we've seen used recently is 'local food and drink'.

That allows you to track down a local spirit maker, for instance, as well as a local beekeeper and a local baker.

Combine the theme and the Mother

If you do go for a theme like the 'local food and drink' one above, then make sure to combine that with the mother that you're buying for - that will make the perfect gift.

If you know that the mother you're buying for has an affinity for all things to do with mint, for example, see if you can't track down a local farmer or garden center that's known for mint and mint production.

Perfume Gift

It sounds like a wild goose chase, but you'd be surprised what you can find with a quick google search.

Don't be afraid to save money

Saving a little more on mother's day presents isn't a bad thing, we promise.

If you'd like to save a little money by making things, or regifting some things that you've had in the cupboard for a little while, then there's nothing bad about that!

A great way to save money, in our experience, is to buy something new that looks striking and interesting - such as a bottle of wine with an interesting label.

Then, place that in a container with homemade or regifted items that are meaningful, but are boosted by the fancy item.

Putting in the effort is always worthwhile

If there's one message that we'd love for you to take away from this mother's day gift guide, it would be that putting in the effort is always worthwhile.

Whether you're buying for your mother, your mother-in-law, or any other level of mother, putting in some thought and care is vital!

Tradition works for some, but not all

Traditional gift ideas can be really perfect for any number of mothers, but not all of them. In some situations, you can't be afraid to buck tradition!

Would your mother be interested in racing quadbikes through the countryside this coming mother's day?

Then purchase with that in mind - that level of personalization is your greatest asset to create a wonderful gift for your mother.

How to alter things for a mother in law

When it comes to handling in-laws, not even the best mother's day gift guide in the world could totally set you up.

Sometimes, in-laws can just be a little tricky! If that's the case, then our advice still stands - go with their hobbies and interests, and try to find an elegant, fancy item that they will appreciate and use.

If you'd like to keep things simple, then always opt for flowers. Everyone adores flowers, and there can be some really beautiful options in bloom around mother's day!

Consider a problem they might deal with

This is something to consider if you share an interest or hobby with your mother - what's a problem or difficulty that you've experienced in the world of that interest or hobby?

If you've found a good way to solve it, then pass it on to them!


Day gift

A day gift is quite simple - it's a gift certificate that can be redeemed for a special event they're sure to love!

There is a wide range of these available, so we would recommend shopping around a little until you find one that works well as a great gift.

Create an experience

Creating an experience for the mother that you're purchasing for can be a great way to ensure that you get an experience they'll actually enjoy, provided none of the day experiences you can find seem to tick the right boxes.

A sweet experience that you could make for someone with a sweet tooth could be as simple as printing off a recipe for cookie dough and wrapping up the ingredients.

It's very simple indeed, but it can be a great way to give the recipient a genuinely sweet experience that you're sure they'll enjoy.

Alternatively, you could package up an experience like that one with some essential oils, and create a non-edible experience that smells wonderful.

This could be making some wax melts, or even (if you're adventurous) making some soap or perfume! The world is your oyster, and you're sure to track down an enjoyable activity with time and patience.


We hope that this article on the range of different mothers day gifts you could give someone for mother's day has helped you to strike on a couple of handy ideas.

There are some wonderful gift ideas out there for every single mum in the world - you can definitely find a good one for your mum.

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